(65) 9924-39173
Was considered the largest municipality in the world, due to its previous territory with about 269 thousand km². The municipality of Chapada dos Guimarães gave rise to municipalities like Alta Floresta, Colíder, Sinop, Nova Brasilândia, Paranatinga and others. It has several tourist attractions, such as the Chapada dos Guimarães National Park, with waterfalls, caves, lagoons and trails in the midst of a typical cerrado nature, predominant vegetation in the city.
Chapada dos Guimarães has several tourist attractions: 46 archaeological sites; two paleontological sites; 59 springs; 487 waterfalls; 3.300 km² of National Park; 2,518 km² of Environmental Protection Area; two state reserves; two municipal parks; two park-roads; 157 km of walls; 42 properties listed by Iphan; 38 endemic species.
The climate of Chapada dos Guimarães is tropical (Aw). In early spring begins the rainy season that extends to the beginning of April, which is the warm period. From this period, in the autumn, the drought begins gradually, which fortifies itself in the winter. It is in these two seasons that the most significant cold fronts and polar incursions of the year arrive in the region. The climate becomes cold at night and mild / warm during the day. Frosts are rare, registering every five years. Negative temperatures are very rare, on average one every ten years. Chapada dos Guimarães has the second lowest temperature record in the state of MatoGrosso, -4.6 ° C on July 18, 1975, behind only Cáceres.
The high biodiversity of the Chapada is easily noticeable in its flora and fauna, as it shelters, besides a great extension of Cerrado, rich forests that sometimes remind the Atlantic Forest, sometimes the Amazon Forest: we have orchids, bromeliads, ipês, -Emas, jatobás, jacarandás, babassu, buritis, perobas and diverse flowers of size, color and shape. Besides the flowers, we have fruits: the pequi, the cajuzinho, araticum, mangabeira and even a fruit of our own, the Cascudo - endemic of the Chapada dos Guimartães, that resembles the lychee for its flavor. The medicinal plants used in herbal medicine have the highest concentration of species per km².
Biodiversity causes profuse wildlife. We highlight birds - they are more than 400 species! The macaws, which make their nests in the sandstone walls and fly over the city every day, enchant everyone and deserve the title of bird symbol of the Chapada. Such diversity attracts birdwatchers from all over the world to contemplate this wealth, ranging from the tiny Redbull Hummingbird (weighing 2 grams) to the world's most powerful bird of prey, the Hawk-Hawk. And they join the Hummingbird Gold Horn, Blue Campaign, Blue Crown Udú, Urubú-rei, Certified Half Moon, citing only a few. Here is also home to the Tamanduá-bandeira, Night Monkey, Maned Wolf, Coati, Anta, Jaguar and even Jupará!
The climate, a spectacle: it is tropical (warm semi-humid), with two well-defined seasons: rainfall from October to April. and from drought, from May to September, when there is cold, which is the inversion of the polar mass on the continent, which can cause a drop in temperature, which normally varies from 12 to 25 degrees. And it rains, it rains a lot, and well: the annual rainfall is between 1800 and 2000mm. Due to the location of the city on the edge of the sandstone walls, the fog in the early hours of the morning is part of the Chapada atmosphere for much of the year.
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